Do you know that there are other ways to eat your Quaker cookies? No? Yes? Well, whatever your answer is, we'd still love for you to try this one! Indulge in a healthy dessert with these delicious Quaker cookies as toppings.
2 cups of a variety of fruits, diced
2 tsps. sugar, powdered
2 cups non-fat or low fat unsweetened yogurt
1/2 cup Quaker oatmeal cookies, crumbed or ½ cup Quaker Soft Baked Cookies, crumbled
1 Puree fruits and sugar in blender.
2 Add 2 tsps. of puree to the bottom of each small glass, top the puree with 2 Tbsps. of 3. yogurt, and sprinkle a layer of cookie crumbs on top. Repeat with another layer of puree, yogurt, and cookie crumbs.