
Sweet Oat & Almond Balls

When mid-afternoon rolls around, we all reach for some snacks. Make sure you’ve got some oat and almond balls at hand!



  • 1 ½ cup low fat milk
  • ¾ cups sugar
  • ¼ cup butter
  • ¼ cup almonds, coarsely pounded
  • 1 tsp. vanilla essence
  • 3 ½ cups Quaker Quick Cooking Oats, roasted
  • For Coating the Balls: 40 tsps. Quaker Instant Oats, roasted until brown


1 In a large saucepan, combine milk, sugar, butter and almonds and bring to a boil and continue stirring and cooking until the sugar melts and the milk thickens slightly.
2 Remove from heat, add vanilla essence and oats, and mix well.
3 Set aside the mixture until coat cools.
4 Taking a heaped tablespoon full of the mixture, share each portion into balls (the mixture makes about 40 balls).
5 Roll the balls in a roasted oats until they are evenly coated.
6 Cool in a refrigerator and serve.